Monday, May 21, 2007

Jackson triumphs at Dunton!

James Jackson secured his and Ciclos Uno's first win of the season at the inaugural ESL Thursday league race at Dunton, on Thursday 17th, with a trademark killer sprint to leave the bunch in his wake.

A good size field started the first of the ESL races, and the pace of the race meant that although many tried to get away, the bunch wasn't in the mood to let the race split. The hour's racing was destined to end in a bunch sprint and James showed the rest a clean pair of heels as he crossed the line victorious. James has been troubled all season with cramp and mechanical problems but has kept positive and worked hard and this win is no less than he deserves.....welcome back to the podium James!

"A" E/1/2/J/L
1.) James Jackson: PCA/Ciclos Uno
2.) Dean Shannon: Heron Cyclesport
3.) Thomas Kirk: Alpha RC
4.) Kristian Downs: Glendene CC/Biketrax
5.) Steve Charles: Arctic/Shorter Rochford CC

1 comment:

BMC UK RT said...

Go on James!!

What no excuses?! ;-)